Value Proposition
Business competitiveness
Great Habib World Coffee Ltd analyzed and discovered poor quality components on the global market due to challenges
Regarding the stability and control of prices and risks involved, the high transactional costs involved along the extensive nature of the coffee supply chain and the many entities and procedures therein, challenges of quality control and
Poor yield productivity from the farmers’ plantations. To put in check on these issues and scale up on our export capacity and ensure consistency of growth in export sales, rise in prices and output, Great Habib World
Coffee has considerably invested in production-growth programs, putting in place and implementing of mechanisms towards the improvement of yields on growers’ farms,
Improvement of quality control along the supply chain, mitigation of factors associated with price risks/fluctuation, cutting down on high transactional costs, scale up and ensure sustainable support to the farmers by payment of better prices prices to growers
and considerably remit future increments, motivation of farmers to increase growing acreage to enhance efficient utilization of the available resources and production factors to allow for the attraction of export market prospective and potential foreign/local direct investments in the coffee business.
Our Quality control policy
Great Habib World Coffee Ltd consistently adopts the International Coffee Organization (ICO) Council Resolution 420 (May 2004) which stipulates voluntary targets for the minimum quality export standards in its framework of operations. We also adhere to quality control protocols and standards as set out by the Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) and the Uganda National Bureau Of standards (UNBS)
The major objective is to strictly stop sale/export of nonconformity or substandard coffee and thereby enhancing better prices in line with supply parameters.
We have also introduced a quality management system in our production process from bean to cup as we prepare coffees in the top 5% of the market. We also look forward to more engagement with Customers with regard to their preferences for better satisfaction with our products as we keep on improving our production systems through our sustainability and traceability programs noting the variables therein and the maintenance of quality and quality assurance in the short and long run.